Friday, January 9, 2009

A part of the story I overlooked

Today, I re-read the story of Jesus' baptism by John. It's a familiar story to me. I've read it many, many times in my 50+ years. But today I heard something different and I am so very surprised.

When John baptized Jesus, the story says that the sky split open and a voice came down saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am pleased." What I never noticed before was that Jesus was the only one who saw the Holy Spirit or who heard the voice. Read the story yourself in Mark 1:9-11. Pick any translation you like. I've checked many.

That's how it is...... we hear something and make our own assumptions about the details of an event without really listening. How many times have I heard just a little bit about a person or an event and made up the details to suit my own purposes? Seems like that's how bigotry and prejudice start.

Well, I've got to get to work......... and I need to really listen to what people are telling me. I need to quit filling in the blanks for other people. That's what I learned from today's scripture reading.

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