Monday, January 19, 2009


I don't particularly like to cook. I don't particularly care what I eat. When folks say, "Let's go out for dinner. Where would you like to go?" My most likely response is, "I don't care. You pick a place." I'm a person who eats to live rather than lives to eat. So, what's the problem?

I can't eat today because of a medical procedure tomorrow. Because I can't eat, I am dreaming of yummy foods. Rand has fixed himself mashed potatoes to go with the leftover porkchop and gravy from yesterday...... Mmmm...... Would just a taste really hurt? Fresh baked bread would be wonderful. A roast beef au jus in the crockpot - Now there's a meal worth waiting for! As I opened the freezer to get another ice cube, so many things appealed to me and I wondered if just a little bit would be ok.

But, I know it would not be ok. Why do we want what we can't have? It gets us into trouble every time. Just last week when the temperatures were below zero, there was a story on the front page of the newspaper about a 6 year old boy who put his tongue on a pole and of course, he was stuck -- just like in the movie Christmas Story. He said he knew he shouldn't do it and he wouldn't do it again, but he'd been resisting for a long time and just wanted to give it a try.

I've done things I know I shouldn't have done. I don't plan to make this forum my personal confessional. I'm not Catholic and don't really understand how that whole thing works. But at least for tonight, I'm going to resist the food temptation. After the procedure tomorrow, I can eat again..... so maybe I'll spend the evening figuring out what to eat first.

1 comment:

  1. hunger. . . food. . . been on my mind since you suggested "Take This Bread." It gets all tied up in what we want and what we can and can not have.

    If I can't have it, I want it. period.
    That is, until I pause and remember who I am. -- julie
