Monday, February 26, 2018


While the recent news events can cause us to be fearful, I need to remember that as a follower of Jesus Christ, I'm repeatedly admonished to not be afraid.  
  • An angel appeared to Joseph saying, "Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife".....and in that time and culture, it was risky for him to do so. (See Matthew 1.)   
  • In Luke 1, an angel appears to Mary to tell her she's to be the mother of Jesus and tells her "Do not fear, for you have found favor with God."  
  • In Luke 2, a whole host of angels told the shepherds, "Fear not......for unto you is born a Messiah."  
  • As Jesus' life and ministry is told in the gospels,  the stories repeat the theme.  At the empty tomb, an angel tells Mary not to be afraid.  
  • When the disciples hide in the upper room after his resurrection, Jesus appears and tells them not to be afraid.

These are only a few examples and I'm sure you can add others, but in each case the people in these stories find themselves in uncertain and scary circumstances.  Yet they are never told to retreat from the world but they are expected to face their fears and are assured that God is with them.

I'm repeatedly reminded to return love when others hate and try to destroy.  Jesus has instructed us to share love, make disciples, follow his examples.  I don't believe we can do that if we close ourselves in because of fear.  I believe that we are called to throw the doors open wide and invite people to join with us to experience the love of God in Jesus Christ.

I believe we need to be watchful, alert and always aware of our surroundings.  But as people who profess to follow a risen Christ, we must not retreat in fear.  If we are watchful and alert, we just might discover a new person in our midst who is searching for a community of faith.  We need to be open to it.
Note:  This was written the week after yet another school shooting, this one in Florida.  Seventeen people were killed.  The alleged shooter was arrested.

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