Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday night church

"I think this is kind of a funny story about last night's church.

As soon as I entered the fellowship hall, Dennis came running over to me. 'Nancy, you've GOT to pray!' he said. So, I said ok and waited to hear what the emergency was all about. He went on to say, 'Pastor Jann isn't here, so you've got to say the prayer before we eat.' I said ok, but went to check with others to see what the plan was. Justina and David said they thought that was a fine plan. David would quiet the crowd, but I should pray since it was requested. I went to the kitchen to pray with those folks first. Then, I asked for prayer requests from the folks and hands shot up to pray for Shirley, for Roger, for a van that transports some of the folks. We prayed for Bill and for Garry. We prayed for travel mercies for Rev Jann, too.

I reminded folks to wash their tables. Dennis seemed a little put out that I asked folks to do that because he thinks that's his job. But I told him the floor also needed vaccuuming and the trash taken out, so he allowed it. After I finished my tray, I got a bucket to wash my table. Dennis was right there telling me he'd wash the table and he didn't want me to fall. He told me my job was to preach and his job was to wash tables. I told him I wasn't a preacher, but he could wash the table. He said, 'To us, you're a preacher.'

So, that was my evening. Just a reminder that God works thru even the most cracked pots!"

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