Thursday, March 18, 2010

Clutter, Dirt & Grime

All winter we have collected clutter to take to the Goodwill or to the trash, but it's been too cold to dispose of the treasures and trash. As winter ends and the snow melts, we find the mess that is left behind. Our yards are filled with litter that has been hidden under the snow. The sand that kept our roads passable is still around and in the street gutters. Our cars are first muddy and then dusty. Even if we wash the car, it is dirty again in a day or two. We carry this into our house and into our cars also.

It seems appropriate to think about this during this season of lent -- a time to consider how I follow Jesus. For in our lives, we collect too many things that clutter up our time and hearts. Some things in our lives are dirty and grimy. Some things are just clutter. All of those things push time and commitment to God aside.

So during lent, I hope to do some spring cleaning. I need to make more time for God in my life and I need to get rid of some of the time wasters in my life. I wonder where I should start?

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