Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It seems appropriate that I make some mention of the recent snowfall. I think we've probably gotten a foot or more of the white stuff since last Sunday. It's very cold this morning and the winds are blowing all around. We didn't try to get out and go to work til the snow plow came down the street and now that Rand has the shoveling done, we are going to make a try to get to the office.

I've had a warm dry place to weather the storm. I have plenty of food in the pantry and spent this morning making a hot cereal for Rand and making a casserole for tonight's supper. I hope to take this casserole to the church for the potluck supper there tonight.

I wonder how many people did not have warm places to spend the night. How many people are wondering when their next meal is? Maybe I can help out just a little bit to make the world better for even one more person today. That's my goal. That's my hope. Maybe someone will recognize Christ because of my actions. Dear God, make it so.

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