Sunday, September 27, 2009
There are those who freely admit that they are not good at electronic methods of communication (internet, e-mail, and all that falls within that bailiwick.) In fact, some seem quite proud of the fact that they don't use computers. My kneejerk reaction is to shake my head in frustration. It is quite a task to keep up with all these new technologies, but that doesn't mean we should give up trying.
I can understand laity's resistance to change. It's easier to stick with the familiar than to reach into the unknown. How many times have we laughed about the 11th commandment of Protestant churches? The one that says, "Thou shalt not (fill in the blank) because we've never done it that way." I shudder to think that some of our pastors resist these changes. Tell me...... Aren't pastors in the business of presenting the Gospel in order to transform lives? Turn away from the world and turn towards God. Now, if a pastor is not communicating that message then I think they may as well go back to selling shoes or flipping burgers. God calls us to be transformed. To be changed. To turn from what was to what is to be. God promises that life in Christ is a better way.
If pastors are content to allow resistance to change in this small issue of communications, then I'm afraid that pastors will not push for major changes in lives that are needed to become one with God. Our churches will stagnate. We Christians already have trouble convincing people that the Gospel is relevant to lives today. Let's at least present the message of God's love in a way that the world is willing to hear. We don't need to make it comfortable for us who already know Jesus Christ as our saviour. We need to find more ways to bring the Gospel to those who haven't heard the message.
What other things does the Church need to do differently to direct lives toward God? I wonder..........
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Some things for me to consider:
-- Our faith is not about answers. Sometimes, our faith is more about questions. What are the questions for which I have no answers?
-- Distractions are everywhere. What distracts me from my goals? From my God?
-- Where is God leading me? Where am I going? Am I a good follower or am I trying to lead?
-- How often do we think it is our degree or training that qualifies us to do ministry?
-- Where do I see God in my ordinary and every day life?
-- What common things does God make holy?
-- Sometimes Jesus' teachings seem outrageous and are hard to understand. Which teachings are most difficult for me?
-- Am I always properly prepared to face the day? What do I need to be prepared?
-- In what way will I choose God today? How will the world know who I have chosen?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A change in plans
I thought I'd been watching and listening for God to tell me how to respond to the kids that show up on Wednesday nights to eat at the potluck meal. I really thought I understood what God wanted us to do to show the kids that we not only care that they have food in their tummies, but also that they have food for their souls.
So, I put signs on the tables last week, telling the kids to come to the balloon table after they finished their meal. Then this week, I went thru the supply room and found crafts, games, treats, coloring pages and crayons. I was ready. I knew the kids could only stay there until Mom and Dad were ready to go home, so I planned quick activities or things the kids could take home.
When I arrived tonight, I looked around the room. Where were the kids? There weren't any kids old enough to hold a crayon without eating it. What sort of a mean joke was God playing? There were two babies, but the games and the take-home treats were no good for babies.
So, I stopped and looked around. I had a short and rather heated discussion with God to let God know that I was confused, angry and hurt that he hadn't helped with the plan. After all, I thought it was God's plan. When did the plan change and why wasn't I notified? God told me there was a new plan. The babies could each have a balloon. One of the mentally disabled adults got a balloon, too. He was so very excited and even tho he doesn't speak, I knew he was saying thank you. Another young man took a balloon, saying he was going to write a note to his dad, tie the note onto the string and then let it float up to heaven. That's what he did.
We put the games, coloring pages and crayons back in the closet and will save those for another time. Of course, we gave away all the balloons, but that's ok...... those balloons gave great joy to the ones who received them. We'll blow up more balloons next week and maybe get the other things out of the closet, just in case God changes the plan again. You never know. I wonder what will happen next week........